Comparing Religions
In John 14:6 Jesus says, "I am the way the truth and the life." Is there only one way to find salvation, or are there many? Is there something to gain from comparing religions? Discover the truth about the origins and practices of world religions and see which one has the truth.

The Spiritual History Of Martial Arts
A Step Onto Enchanted Ground - The Seduction of the West

Taking the Lord's Name in Vain
God's Name is Holy

Does The Bible Approve Martial Arts?
Light Shining in Darkness and the Last Great Deception

The Dark Origins Of Nature Worship
The Serpent's First Lie - Pantheism and the Roots of the Tree

Behind the One World Government
Behind the Scenes

Sunday Worship: the Mark of the Beast
The Final Conflict

Why Messing With God’s Law is an Attack on the Character of God
Twisting the Ten Commandments

Did the Resurrection of Jesus Really Happen?
Post Death Scene - Climate after Founders Death