Is Darwinism more scientific or intellectually superior to Creationism? How has Darwinism influenced society’s thinking, even that of Christians? Some believe the Christian faith can be blended with Darwinism. Is Darwinism, meaning Darwin’s theory of evolution, compatible with the Bible? Find out why there can be no compromise.
Episode 5
Natural Selection Or Divine Creation?
The Genes of Genesis
Episode 2
Lies Taught In School: Textbook Errors
Textbook Deceptions
Episode 1
Is God Dead? Darwinism Vs Creationism
Did Darwin Murder God?
Episode 3
The Nebraska Man: Science Forgeries
Cave Men?
Episode 4
Human Evolution: How Did It Happen?
Where Mammals Reigned
Episode 3
The Bible And Dinosaurs: How They Died
Bones in Stones
Episode 1