Christianity and Sports | Amazing Discoveries
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2 Episodes

Christianity and Sports

Competitive Christianity
What does the Bible say about competition? Is it possible to reconcile Christianity and sports? Do competitive spirits contradict the Bible?

This series explores the relationship between Christianity and sports. Wes Peppers shares his personal experience as a Christian who was at one time involved in competitive sports. He looks at the potential negative effects that competitive sports can have on your relationships, and how nurturing a competitive spirit can even impact your Christianity.

Find answers to your questions about Christianity and sports!
What does the Bible say about competition? Is it possible to reconcile Christianity and sports? Do competitive spirits contradict the Bible?

This series explores the relationship between Christianity and sports. Wes Peppers shares his personal experience as a Christian who was at one time involved in competitive sports. He looks at the potential negative effects that competitive sports can have on your relationships, and how nurturing a competitive spirit can even impact your Christianity.

Find answers to your questions about Christianity and sports!