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This series, “Have You Swallowed the Hook,” chronicles the events and discoveries that catapulted the theory of evolution into popularity. You've heard the saying, "Hook line and sinker", this series compares the fish hook-like beliefs of the popular evolution culture with the creation model. Discover what hook line and sinker meaning in the context of evolution. Each episode contrasts the creation and evolution worldviews and allows the viewer to decide which one makes the most sense.
This series, “Have You Swallowed the Hook,” chronicles the events and discoveries that catapulted the theory of evolution into popularity. You've heard the saying, "Hook line and sinker", this series compares the fish hook-like beliefs of the popular evolution culture with the creation model. Discover what hook line and sinker meaning in the context of evolution. Each episode contrasts the creation and evolution worldviews and allows the viewer to decide which one makes the most sense.
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