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Do you ever feel that there’s something wrong with your Christian experience? Ever look back at the initial joy of your conversion and wonder why you’re not growing in Christ? You struggle with sin, and there’s little joy, little victory, no spiritual growth? Ever wonder if you’re even saved at all? What’s missing?
In this series, Pastor Pavel Goia explains what’s lacking in our Christian experience and how to remedy the problem. With inspiring and relatable stories, Pastor Goia illustrates how to apply three powerful principles to transform our Christian walk so we can get growing in Christ!
Do you ever feel that there’s something wrong with your Christian experience? Ever look back at the initial joy of your conversion and wonder why you’re not growing in Christ? You struggle with sin, and there’s little joy, little victory, no spiritual growth? Ever wonder if you’re even saved at all? What’s missing?
In this series, Pastor Pavel Goia explains what’s lacking in our Christian experience and how to remedy the problem. With inspiring and relatable stories, Pastor Goia illustrates how to apply three powerful principles to transform our Christian walk so we can get growing in Christ!
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