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The last word in the book of Acts in the Greek New Testament is the word akolutos. The word literally means, “Unhindered”. Luke, the writer of Acts, intentionally leaves us with the assurance that the gospel Paul and all the other faithful men and women of the first century proclaimed went forth unhindered. Through prisons and angry crowds we trace the birth and growth of the early church. Nothing could stop the gospel from conquering hearts. Yet the last word of the Acts story is to be the watchword of our own story today. What hinders you from experiencing the power of the gospel? What hinders you from proclaiming the kingdom of God? Discover how you can enter the story of Acts today and be part of writing the last chapters of earth's history, experiencing the power of the gospel, unhindered!
The last word in the book of Acts in the Greek New Testament is the word akolutos. The word literally means, “Unhindered”. Luke, the writer of Acts, intentionally leaves us with the assurance that the gospel Paul and all the other faithful men and women of the first century proclaimed went forth unhindered. Through prisons and angry crowds we trace the birth and growth of the early church. Nothing could stop the gospel from conquering hearts. Yet the last word of the Acts story is to be the watchword of our own story today. What hinders you from experiencing the power of the gospel? What hinders you from proclaiming the kingdom of God? Discover how you can enter the story of Acts today and be part of writing the last chapters of earth's history, experiencing the power of the gospel, unhindered!
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