Creationism Vs Evolution | Amazing Discoveries
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6 Episodes

Creationism vs Evolution

Did Darwin Murder God?
Many believe that evolution is the only reasonable explanation for the complexity we see around us in the world. creating a head-to-head debate of Creationism vs evolution. But Darwin himself admitted that his theory would break down if it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed through numerous, successive, slight, modifications. This series examines the problems with evolution theory and considers the logical alternatives to Darwin’s outdated ideas.
Many believe that evolution is the only reasonable explanation for the complexity we see around us in the world. creating a head-to-head debate of Creationism vs evolution. But Darwin himself admitted that his theory would break down if it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed through numerous, successive, slight, modifications. This series examines the problems with evolution theory and considers the logical alternatives to Darwin’s outdated ideas.